
Office Address

10-4-A/567, East Maredpally, Secunderabad - 500026

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Telangana History Congress was established in 2008 as a registered body to provide effective platform for the scholars, teachers and well-wishers of history to work on its various aspects from ancient times to the present day. In fact, Telangana region had a hoary past right from the pre-historic cave dwellings to human habitation and development of empires in the Deccan and south India. To construct the history of Telangana at macro and micro levels the scholars need a vibrant platform to present their findings and to publish them.

The objectives of the organization, as announced, provides scope for a number of scholars looking on the history of Telangana to present their research papers and ponder over the issues of under-development, development and evolution of society- culture, religion, economy and polity. It also aims at reinforcing the Telangana studies and situate it appropriately in the regional, national and global scenario with quality of research and publications.

Telangana History Congress is also planning not only to hold its annual sessions regularly but also to initiate a national seminar on various themes between the sessions inviting scholars from various parts of the country and abroad who worked on Telangana history and publish them after peer reviewed, to fill the gaps in the historical research. Also it is planning to take up the projects to promote village survey and study to explore the significant contribution of such villages for the growth of economy, evolution of society, religion and its culture by studying inscriptions, coins, literary works, archaeological sources, etc.

Telangana region/state has vast natural resources like water (number of rivers and their tributaries), forests (about 28%), minerals and above all fertile land, human and cattle wealth. Though it is a landlocked region, but the growth of technology, communications (trains, roads and airways) by using them it can substantially develops as a rich region, if the rulers use the natural resources on the positive side.

Prof. M. Radha Krishna Sarma Memorial Lectures

Prof. M.R.K. Sarma, was the person who established the department of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology in the year 1975-76 in Osmania University. The THC organising Memorial lectures in the name of Prof. MRK Sarma since 2019. The Lectures delivered so far were by Prof. Y. Sudershan Rao (Warangal), Dr. E. Shiva Nagi Reddy (Nadigudem), Sri Kandakurti Yadava Rao (Nizamabad) and Dr. Sajjad Shahid (Hyderabad).